Senin, 16 November 2009

Selecting Recipients

Select “Use an existing list” and click on the “Browse” link. Locate and open the file containing your data source. For this exercise, use the MailMergeList.xls.

Mail Merge image

This opens the following dialog box in which you select the table (the named range defined within Excel) containing the mail merge recipients info you want to pull into the merge fields in your document. Select “seminar” or “training” or whatever you named the range in your spreadsheet containing the names and addresses you want to use for the mail merge ("attendees" is the defined range selected as shown below).

Mail Merge image
Make sure to check the box indicating that the “First row of data contains column headers” so that the field labels (Last Name, First Name, Address1, etc.) on your spreadsheet won’t be mistaken for data.

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